High Caffeine Tea

Browse High Caffeine Tea. Our lineup includes heavy oxidized Oolongs & large leaf Black Teas with high caffeine concentration. All these teas provide caffeine without the jitters and are the best alternative to coffee. In addition to caffeine, these teas are very fragrant and premium quality in both production and taste.

Tea with the highest caffeine amount is Black Tea. Black is largely divided into 2 categories: small leaf and large leaf. The latter provides higher caffeine concentration and is typically stronger and bold in taste. Smaller leaf varieties, meanwhile, tend to offer more fragrance and are medium high in caffeine.

Following Black Tea is heavy oxidized Oolong Tea, specifically selections that have also been wood fired fired. Products for this include our signature  Roasted Oolong.

Additionally, for those looking for high caffeine tea that also benefits digestion and circulation, we recommend Puerh tea. Raw varieties traditionally have higher concentration of caffeine compared with Ripe Puerh, but is more raw tasting.